

由于iON - by Krypt 或 Krypt.com 所提供的产品与服务的特性,所有的订购都将建立在无退款服务的基础上。


若需要了解更多,请参阅 KRYPT LEGAL

Due to the nature of products and/or services rendered by iON - by Krypt or Krypt are provided on a non-refundable basis.This includes, but it not limited to, setup fees, monthly fees, upgrade fees, professional services fees, and bandwidth overage fees, regardless of usage. In addition, if your account is canceled by the company for violation of this Agreement or the attached Acceptable Use Policy, all payments made to the Company become completely non refundable. Customer agrees not to charge back any credit card payments for services rendered. In the event that a customer files a charge back or other payment dispute, they will be considered to be in violation of this agreement and may be subject to collection action

For more detail, please visit  KRYPT LEGAL

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